Lynne (Phoenix, AZ)
New here to Arizona, from Oklahoma. Found your website & will come join you sometime. Great Pics! Looks like fun. I'm looking for my people & I think I found ya'll. Yea ha.

Lori (Tucson, AZ)
Thinking of joining. I ride a people150.

Mulepwr (Apache Junction, AZ)
Damn, if I'd knowd about the skull valley, I'd a tried to hook in with yawl. I'm headed out 5/29, having a problem getting a new rear tire to mount, for a 2500 mile ride to the Mesabi Iron Range in MN for a scooter rally. Will sign in and say hey when I get back. Have a few pictures to share.

Michele (Denver, CO)
I miss you guys!!

Gloria & Jeff (El Paso, TX)
Checking out the rally info. Do you have to pre-register for a rally pack? Tried to print the map. Gotta talk my husband into it. Sounds like a beautiful ride. We'd probably meet at Congress due to time & travel.

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